Gel easily applies to seal internal or external damage, disinfect, and promote healing. On application signaling pathways for repair begins.
Can be used in all phases of patient care: pre-op, post-op and intra-op, on a variety of tissue for all kinds of animals.
Starts the healing process faster. By being internally applied, reduces internal scar tissue formation.
Prevents infection and seals of the wound from further contaminants.
Our biomaterial mimics the body's own extracellular matrix, breaking down into safe and natural molecules.
Our delivery device was made to cater to veterinarians. Adjustable settings for enhanced precision and control.
Where tissue engineering meets practical application through smart biomaterials. The composition of Intracell are all inspired by biomimetic polymers in nature. Leveraging already established substances to help the body's natural process.
Vitalis has established a unique bioscaffold formulation that has multiple medical applications. We have closely replicated the internal micro environment that all cells require to proliferate, thrive, and replicate within tissues making this a versatile product. The hydrogel composition of Intracell not only resembles the structural components on the native ECM but contains but allows the cells to begin the signaling process for recruitment upon administration.
Stay tuned with our journey